Understanding Index Signatures in TypeScript

Hemanta Sundaray

Published December 25, 2023

An index signature in TypeScript is used to specify that an object, when defined by a certain interface, can have any number of properties with a certain key type and corresponding value type. This is especially useful in scenarios where you don't know the exact property names beforehand but do know the type of the keys and values.

Index Signature Syntax

The syntax of an index signature is as follows:

[key: T] : U


Index signatures are most commonly used with string keys. This is due to how JavaScript handles object properties. In JavaScript, keys of an object are always strings (or Symbols, but that's a less common case). Even if you use a number or another type as a key, JavaScript implicitly converts it to a string.

Index Signature Example

interface UserProfiles {
  [username: string]: { age: number; email: string };
const profiles: UserProfiles = {};
profiles["johnDoe"] = { age: 30, email: "john@example.com" };
profiles["janeDoe"] = { age: 25, email: "jane@example.com" };

In this example, the UserProfiles interface uses an index signature, allowing you to add any number of user profiles with string keys.