Next.js + Supabase Auth Course


Global Not Found Page in Next.js

Learn how to create a global Not Found page in Next.js to handle unmatched routes.

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Hemanta Sundaray

Published on Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

Sometimes, users may visit routes that aren’t handled by your application. In these cases, a common UX pattern is to display a "Not Found" page that informs users the page doesn’t exist and provides a link to navigate back to the home page or any other page that exists.

In Next.js, creating a global Not Found page is straightforward.

All you need to do is create a file named not-found.tsx inside the app folder.


The file must be named exactly not-found.tsx.

Whatever you render in this file will be shown to users when they visit a route that doesn’t exist in your application.

For example, you can create a Not Found page like this:

import Link from "next/link";
import { Icons } from "@/components/icons";
export default function NotFound() {
 return (
     <div className="mx-auto max-w-xl px-4 text-center">
       <p className="mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-secondary-foreground">
       <h2 className="mb-2 text-2xl font-semibold tracking-tight text-secondary-foreground">
         Page not found
       <p className="mb-4 text-pretty text-sm text-muted-foreground">
         Sorry, we couldn&apos;t find the page you&apos;re looking for
         className="inline-flex items-center gap-1 p-2 text-sm font-medium text-primary transition-colors hover:text-blue-500"
         Return home
         <Icons.arrowRight className="size-4" />

In action, the page above will look like this:

Not Found page